SIDE A (Four Berrys) : SONNY VINCENT: Carol / THE JERRY SPIDER GANG: Come on / THE PAYBACKS: I wanna be your driver / THE HENTCHMEN: Dear Dad / LOS HIGH SIERRAS: Viva rock 'n' roll / THE MURRAYS: I love you / FOGGY MENTAL BREAKDOWN: Bye bye Johnny / ROCKZILLA: School days / NULLSKATTESNYLTERNE: Sweet little rock 'n' roller .

This album dedicated to A. Kane is a 12'' picture disc limited to 525 copies ...
In 2005 Bronco Records of Spain released a tribute containing 18 cover versions of Chuck Berry numbers performed by little known bands from the U.S., Spain, Mexico, France, Sweden, and Norway: "A Tribute to Mr. Rock"(Bronco Records BR 069).
The track listing is: "Carol" by Sonny Vincent, "Come On" by the Jerry Spider Gang, "I Want to Be Your Driver" by the Paybacks, "Dear Dad" by the Hentchmen, "Viva Rock & Roll" by Los High Sierras, "I Love You" by the Murrays, "Bye Bye Johnny" by Foggy Mental Breakdown, "School Days" by Rockzilla, ""Sweet Little Rock & Roller" by Nullskattesnylterne, "I Got to Find My Baby" by the Bellrays, "Club Nitty Gritty" by the Maggots, "Nadine" by Sin City Six, "Oh Baby Doll" by Los Chicos, "Let It Rock" by the Cool Jerks, "Driftin' Heart" by Speedballbaby, "Thirty Days" by the Callahans, "Man and the Donkey" by the Gore Gore Girls, and finally "Little Queenie" by Lost Acapulco. While most of the versions are played too loud and too fast, a few are really nice. One example is the last track, which is an instrumental version played in surfsound style. Also very good is the Norwegian Nullskattesnylterne's version of "Sweet Little Rock & Roller" recorded during a soundcheck in Germany. And the best interpretation of these comes from Spain just like the record itself: Foggy Mental Breakdown play "Bye Bye Johnny" as it is to be played, similar to Berry or the Stones, only better.

12 commentaires:
FANTASTIC artwork ! Thanks for this fabulous download!
Chuck Berry is the one and only King of Rock'n'Roll!
great of the greatest!!!
Tribute totalement inconnu pour moi. Merci !
Thanks for this tribute!
The second link
is not working.
thanks a lot for this great R&R
Thanks ! I will re-up the file as soon as possible ...
Is ti possible to re-up the file as soon as possible ??????? ...
I'm waiting since 19 juin 2009 07:07
C'est un ordre ?
Hello, Midnight Rambler, cela ferait mon bonheur si la partie 2 était de nouveau disponible.
Merci beaucoup.
Et félicitations pour votre blog fantastique.
Re-up is done !
VA "A TRIBUTE TO Mr ROCK" 320 kbps (+ flac links in the 320 file) + cd artwork by Max!
Voilà c'est fait les mecs! Re-rippé , re-nettoyé et re-uploadé en 320 et en flac !
Il n'y a plus qu'un seul dossier qu'on obtient en cliquant sur le titre du post. Les liens flac se trouvent ds ce dossier en 320.
Enjoy it & leave comments !
Alors là, chapeau bas: Monsieur Midnight Rambler, vous êtes un prince.
Voici pour vous remercier une adresse: http://fromthetrashcan.blogspot.com/ d'un autre aficionado comme vous qui vous apportera j'espère son lot de plaisir.
Merci ! Je ne connaissais pas ...
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