SINGLES THE NEW CHRISTS Like a curse/Sun girl 1984 Citadel/Sonics records wav
Produced by Rob Younger , Chris Mazuak & Alan Thorne .
The New Christs : Rob Younger : lead vocals / Richard Jakimyszyn : guitar / Mark Kingsmill : drums / Chris Mazuak : guitar & vocals / Tony Robertson : bass & vocals .
Founded by ex-Radio Birdman vocalist Rob Younger, Australia's New Christs have managed to persevere through many personnel changes, as well as Younger's many commitments producing other bands. Initially started as a one-off to record a single ("Face a New God," 1981, now worth big money Down Under), the band did not perform until 1983 when Younger assembled an all-star lineup featuring members of the Celibate Rifles, Birdman and a future Hoodoo Guru to tour with Iggy Pop, then making his first venture Down Under. Younger, perhaps Australia's most charismatic frontman, apparently left Pop (who, it must be noted, had a relatively inferior band) in the dust. Several singles (compiled in the "Divine rites" album ) and lineups followed and the real debut album, "Distemper", was not released until 1989. That version of the band included Charlie Owen (Divinyls, Louis Tillett, Tex Perkins) on guitar; then unknown, he is now renowned as one of Australia's finest musicians. A greatest hits CD (or as Younger puts it, "the songs I can still stand") called "Born Out of Time", named after perhaps the band's finest single, was released in Canada in 1996. The two-inch tape transfer gave the songs a sonic quality not heard on the original versions. Younger had the band up and running again with the "Pedestal EP" in 1995, "Woe Betide" in 1996, "Lower Yourself" in 1997 and "We got this!" in 2002 .
5 commentaires:
New Christs: Like a curse/Sun god wav + covers
Enjoy it !
thanks!, have'nt heard this un' for awhile. one of the best aussie 45's(along with the lime spiders-out of control). sweet.
Awesome post. The New Christs are one of the greatest bands so few people knew about. In my opinion they simply don't get the recognition they deserved
la classe avec la pochette original de citadel rds
My favourite australian pure R'n'R band... with Radio Birdman... Thanks mate ! And real congratulations for your incredible work !!!
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