Come on / Bleed me / Another night / Cheap date / Get it out / Summer girls / Howl / Hangin' around / Rehab love / She wants to be my rock'n'roll baby / Leavin' here .
Produced by The Black Jetts .The Black Jetts: Cabe Stiff: vocals , guitar / Roy Page: lead guitar / Jay: drums / Danny Jett: bass , vocals .
Sinful party rock n' roll out of Las Vegas with fierce, snotty vocals. The ultra-cheap, but effective, production sounds gloriously loud and mean. Squealing guitars chug along in perfect time with the satisfying, rhythmic THWACK of the Jetts drumset. At their best (like on the amazing song "Another Night") they sound like a more-polluted version of the Sonics, and at their second best, they play solid, sneering Saturday-night drinking music with great yell-along choruses. They cool it down for a second on "Hangin' Around," and pick it right back up with a raging, farfisa-filled howler called "Rehab Love." They even do an awesome cover of The Who's "Leavin' Here." This is perfect music for spinning shittys in a gravel parking lot or getting bombed. Whatever your mood, give this son of a bitch a pull for some A+ fantastic super-punk rock action. - Phil Hunt
6 commentaires:
The Black Jetts : Bleed me 320 kbps + covers
Link (or click on the title):
Enjoy it !
Ceux-la, ça faisait un moment que je les cherchais.
Ton blog ça me rapelle ma jeunesse, et les galettes que j'allais acheter chez New Rose et Music Action. Des fois on poussait jusqu'a Rouen, chez Melodies Massacre.
Merci Pour tout.
Rouen Melodies Massacre l'Open Adrien
Metal Hurlant Eudeline Chrysler Rose Ether mouth slit hypodermique Johnny T. & Henri Paul Dogs les fausses prescriptions des bons docteurs les amis absents tombés au "chant" d'honneur des soldats du rock'n'roll parfois je me sens si vieux parfois je me sens si jeune parfois dèjà comme un survivant ...
Can you re-upload this, as well as other TBJ album Right On Sound. Thanks.
Can You Re-upload This, Please?
link is dead, any chance on a re-up?
thank you!
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