THE BOTTLE UPS Boppalina goes west & 5 others 1984 Rainbow 320 kbps
Boppalina goes west / Cactus jazz /Surf beat / One two two / Smith & Wesso theme / Rumble / Herd of buffalo / Lonely longhorned skull / Bottle beat / Rumble (Raw cuts version) .
The Bottle Ups : Robert Johnson : guitar / Anders Görling : guitar / Göran Sahlin : bass / A. Gustavsson : drums / Mikael Wirén : drums .
This exceptional Swedish band from Solna was a savage instrumental combo dedicated to putting the spirit of Link Wray onto the 80's They issued just a couple of singles and a mini album on Rainbow and Amigo records (home of the Nomads , Pushwangers ,Wilmer X , Shoutless etc...). Their cowboys on surfboards sound is intense and infectious. Nearly every tune ends with their trademark compressed vibrato guitar decay fading into throbbing feedback. This stuff rules!
Thanks to Josega65 for scans & sounds !
5 commentaires:
The Bottle Ups "Boppalina goes west & 5 others" 320 kbps + covers by Josega65 !
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Enjoy it !
"THE BOTTLE-UPS" / THE JOHNNYS", cet axe #SUEDE / AUSTRALIE# (ou inversement) est brillant mon cher RAMBLER! très brillant!
cependant pourquoi avoir omis le titre "Ambush" sur le RAW CUTS vol.2??
merci encore pour ces morceaux qui m'étaient inconnus.
Salut Rambler!
Brilliant en effet. J'ai le ep 4 titres, j'adorerais écouter cette version 9 titres mais le lien est mort, malheureusement... :o( Pourrais-tu le remettre à jour ? Merci beaucoup.
hi friend, i request album from -Scandinavian Instrumental & Beat Groups Rainbow Music- Vol. 1 to vol 4, & va-Swedish Beat - Vol. 1 & vol 2, & The QUIVERS-The Quivers
- Rainbow Music RMLP 2008 LP, & Lenny Clearwall & The Dynamite Flyers - Instrumental Hits Vol 1
Sorry PEMUDA70AN but I don't have any of the records that you request...
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