V/A SHAKIN' IN MY BOOTS : A Texas rock'n'roll compilation cd 2004 Liquorice Tree records 320 kbps
THE STEPBROTHERS : Shut it down / THE UGLY BEATS : I'll come again / THE HOTRAILS : Down for the count / THE DRAGSTRIP BROS. : The assassin / THE CRACK PIPES : Rescue party / THE GOLDEN BOYS : I want you / JESUS CHRIST SUPERFLY : Twisted up inside / THE HARD FEELINGS : Half in the morning / THE SUNDAY DRUNKS : Hard drinkin' woman / THE RAVENS : Jealous kind / THE DEADITES : I can behave / MCLEMORE AVENUE : A toy robot! / 00 SPIES : Such a bad guy / WHITE HEAT : Doomed to rot / THE KA-NIVES : Let's dance .
Licorice Tree Records released this very cool garage rock compilation in 2004 . “Shakin’ In My Boots” kicks things off with the Stepbrothers “Shut It Down”, a catchy little finger snapping slice of garage blues. Next up is the Ugly Beats with “I’ll Come Again” which is pure Nuggets perfection. The Dragstrip Bros. serve up some killer surf with “The Assassin” and the Golden Boys reach a psychotic reaction frenzy with “I Want You”. Eleven of the fifteen bands featured on this compilation begin their name with “The” so you know its garage rock before you even stick it in the player. Licorice Tree hit the nail on the head with this one. Now my only problem is figuring out which bands full length release to get first.
To go to the Licorice Tree Records web site click here
4 commentaires:
hello friend thanks for ur latest updates.great stuff!
I know u have alot of requests from a lot of people,i dont wanna sound like being pretentious,but is birthday on saturday,is it possible to post something from the primevals?i would give one of my lungs to u,if u smoke,please?:)
Ehhh where is the download link?
Click on the title of the post !!!
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