THE PRIMEVALS On the red eye 2cd 2005 New Rose 320 kbps
Eternal hotfire* / Prairie chain* / Primevall call */ See that skin* / Spiritual* / Nutmeg city* / Elixir of life* / Fire an clay* / Saint Jack* / Dish of fish* / Lowdown* / Sister' / Lonesome weepin' blues' / My emancipation° / Blues at my door° / She's all mine° / Have some fun° / See the tears fall° / Lucky I'm living° /Living in hell ~/ Walk in my footsteps~ / Fertile mind+ / Follow her down+ / My dying embers+ / All of the virtues+ / Bleedin' black+ / Cotton head+ / Justify+ / Early grave+ / Highway+ / Pink cat suit (part 1)+ / One sweet drink+ / Burden of the debt+ / Diamonds , a furcoat , champagne¤ / Heya" / Down where the madness grows" / Crazy little thing" / Paupers grave# / Methadone script# / Where the soul in that ?# / Depth to your soul# .
° from the mini lp "Eternal hotfire" 1984 produced by King Ken & The Primevals.
~from the sp "Living in hell" 1985 produced by King Ken & The Primevals.
' from the 10" "Elixir of life" 1986 produced by Richard Mazda .* from the lp "Soundhole" 1986 produced by Richard Mazda.
+from the lp "Live a little" 1987 produced by Richard Mazda.
" from the maxi EP "Heya" 1987 produced by Richard Mazda.
# never released before : recorded in Cava Studio , Glasgow 27/02/00.
The Primevals : Michael Rooney : vocals /Malcolm Mc Donald : guitars, backing vocals on *, ', +,¤," & #/ John Honeyman : bass , backing vocals / Tom Rafferty : guitars on * & ' / Don Gordon : guitars on ° & ~/ Rhod Lefty Burnett : drums on ° , ' , ~ , * , ¤, + & "/ Paul Bridges : drums on # / Gordon Goudie : guitars on + ,¤ & ".
What to say about the Primevals that already hasn't been said in as many quarters as it should ? As famous as Glasgow is for "music", it's not a very prolific rock'n'roll city.There's a ton going on in terms of cross-collateralisation but little in terms of the majesty that a simple sonic paste-ing will impart.
It's often said that that prophets aren't accepted in their own backyard and this is one of those.The Primevals had and have more in common with the produce of U.S. , Australia or Europe. They play all over - Germany ,France , Holland , Belgium , Italy , Austria ... - were audiences seemed to recognise their worth . Their Gun Club meets Radio Birdman take on Detroit rock'n'roll preachin' blues was much more direct than praticly anything that has ever come "ootta Glesgae". Except for The Sensational Alex Harvey Band .
It's fitting that this retrospective assembly should be released on Last Call Records , the sister label of their original stable , New Rose. New Rose was a bastion of fine fine music in it's heyday . Pushing the real stuff to people who cared .Some of them , even live in the U.K. It's about time too and maybe , just maybe , something will happen and the band will haul it around one last time to show all of these young stylised pups how it's done .
Not exactly an outright secret then but worthy of more respect than most all hailed as "seminal" in these barren times . These tunes to my knowledge, are not ringtone friendly . This isn't some kinda lifestyle soundtrack piffle put together to sound authentic . The Primevals were hollerin' "Heya" in a psychedelicized swirl when Andre 3000 was still in nappies .0 Now that's cooler than being cool and you can shake it like a polaroid picture if you want . That ,after all is what it was all about in the first instance . Lindsay Hutton - The Next Big Thing - January 2005
part two here!
For vinyl covers & The Primevals Peel Sessions here !
14 commentaires:
great post !!!!
THE PRIMEVALS: "On the red eye" 320kbps + covers
Enjoy it & leave comments if you like it please !
give me FIVE MIDNIGHT RAMBLER!!!!one of the best posts ever!!:)
thanks a lot!
give me FIVE MIDNIGHT RAMBLER!!!!one of the best posts ever!!:)
thanks a lot!
Eh ben merci !!! Apparemment il y la totale, là ! Superbe groupe, injustement oublié. Chaînon manquant entre le Gun club et Sixteen Horsepower, peut-être ?
Merci mille fois !!
Thankx for this double. Fantastic rock and roll.
Mr. RAMBLER bonjour;
il existerait un mini Lp des PRIMEVALS comportant des enregistrements PEEL SESSIONS (Strange Fruit Records) .
Seriez vous au courant?
Le possèderiez vous?
Yes! Fantastic! Thanks Rambler!!!
Thierry ,
Le lien pour les "Peel Sessions" des Primevals se trouve en bas de ce post !
merci Mr. RAMBLER
et encore "chapeau" pour vos sélections
dites moi (mes exigences étant sans fin) pouvons- nous espérer que vous postiez l'album live "Neon Oven" des
THE PRIMEVALS ainsi que l'album "DIG"
merci encore
Je posterai "Dig" plus tard mais je n'ai pas "Neon Oven" , lp live au Rex, Paris...
I will post "Dig" later but I don't have "Neon Oven" , the Primevals live lp !
Request :
If someone have "Neon Oven" from The Primevals & want to rip it : welcome !
j'ai le NeonOven,mais pas de possibilité directe de rip (faudrait passer par un cdr, mais pas tellement le temps)
par contre, sur le Red Eye ici,il manque les 4 derniers titres du CD2 (justement les inédits : est-ce intentionnel ??)
Salut Jes,
Je ne pense pas avoir oublié de morceaux ...
Il y a 3 liens : le titre + 2 autres à la fin du post :
l'un pour part 2 , l'autre pour les Peel sessions .
Superbe site sur les Primevals !
J'ai commandé le dernier ... le live est bien ?
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