V/A DICTATORS FOREVER , FOREVER DICTATORS : A Tribute to the Dictators (Vol. 2) cd 1996 Roto records 320 kbps
LIGHTNING BEAT-MAN : Intro / THE VIKINGS : Next big thing / POWDER MONKEYS : Two tub man / RICK BLAZE & THE BALLBUSTERS : No tomorrow / THE PARASITES : Loyola / THE CAMPUS TRAMPS : D.W.I. / ASTEROÏD B 612 : Sleeping with the TV on / TOM CLARK & THE HIGH ACTION BOYS : Hey boys ! / FURIOUS GEORGE : Perfect high / THE YOUNG FRESH FELLOWS : Heartache / NUEVO CATECISMO CATOLICO : Baby let's twist / TV KILLERS : Weekend / WANDA CHROME & THE LEATHER PHARAOHS : Fired up / LOS VIVOS : Steppin' out / THE PHANTOM FLIERS : Speedball / THE FASTBACKS : Exposed / THE HELLACOPTERS : Master race rock / LOS MORTA : I'm right / LABANAK : No tomorrow / THE WRETCHED ONES : America the beatiful / ANGEL CORPUS CHRISTI : Sleeping with me .
Coordinated by Kike Turmix .The Dictators did manage to release three fine albums : the pre-punk "Go girl crazy" then the heavier "Manifest Destiny" but after 1978's "Bloodbrothers" was greeted with public apathy, the group's members began moving in different directions. Scott Kempne put together the Del-Lords and after the Little Kings and recorded as a solo act. Ross the Boss spent a few years in the goofy, macho heavy metal band Manowar and later joined Shernoff and Manitoba in the punk/metal combo Manitoba's Wild Kingdom. And Shernoff worked as a producer (Fleshtones). However, as Shernoff put it, the Dictators never broke up. Sure there were occasional gaps of a few years between some shows (we had lives to lead) but deep in our hearts and souls we always knew we were Dictators. We couldn't escape it even when we tried." With this in mind, the band got together to play a handful of shows in 1980, one of which was recorded for the cassette-only album "Fuck 'Em If They Can't Take A Joke" , which was later reissued as "New York, New York". The band hit the road again in 1991, and began heading out on a semi-regular basis after that. In 2001, the Dictators made their abandoned retirement official and recorded a fantastic new album, "D.F.F.D." , which ranked with the band's finest work in the studio. More touring followed, and a live album recorded at two shows in support of "D.F.F.D.", "Viva Dictators!", came out in 2005. The 'Tators are always in activity !
Thanks Max for the covers refreshment !
1 commentaire:
V/A : DICTATORS FOREVER ,FOREVER DICTATORS (Vol. 2): A tribute to the Dictators : 320 kbps + complete covers .
Thanks Gildas & Max !!!
Enjoy this rare gem & leave comments if you like it !
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