THE SNAPPIN' BOYS Domino punch out cd 1988 320 kbps
Suzee ! / Lone tail cat / Dreamin' (hey hey hey) / When friendship ends / Lovers will / Hurricane / Cross Amazonia / Free wheelin' clown / Everyday (the whistler) / Papa got a brand new bag 88 / Suzee phone sex.
Produced by Jeff Eyrich.
THE SNAPPIN' BOYS : R. Lapassade : lead & backing vocals / C. Markarian : lead guitar, accoustic guitar, backing vocals / T. Joutard : saxophones, keyboards & backing vocals / Y. Vancoillie : guitar, harmonica, whistling, backing vocals / G. G. Millet : bass, synth bass, vocals phone / F. Mezazigh : drums, drums FX.
The Snapping Boys were a french band from Vienne, a little town near Lyon . They played old rhythm'n'blues with a rock touch. After an autoproduct ep "Honey soft" in 1984 & a mini lp "Taxi driver business"on Lolita records in 1985 , the Snapping Boys became the Snappin' Boys with the adding of R . Lapassade , ex Killdozer singer (shouter ?). After a good album "Latin Hustlin (Rock Record/Polygram) in 1986 , they released their last lp "Domino Punch Out"(Accord/Musidisc), (over?) produced by Jeff Eyrich (Plimsouls, Gun Club, etc...), in 1988. Only one single "Every day/Reach out I'll be there" will follow in 1989 .
Thanks to Alexandre for music & scans !
9 commentaires:
THE SNAPPIN' BOYS "Domino punch out" 320 kbps + covers
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Merci pour celui-ci !
Fantastique...je le cherchais depuis des années apres m'être fait piquer tous mes vinyls !
Un grand merci...
Rock City Angels (Pre 1st lp)
Cool mais le top c'est Latin Hustlin ! please seed it !!!
Cet lp est introuvable même en solderie !!!
thx . John
"Latin Hustlin" ça se fera ...
super merci. je serais curieux de reecouter "latin hustlin".
woua ! je le cherche depuis que j'ai perdu mes vynils, mais le lien est cassé (snif !) idem pour speed life o mind de Wild Child.
re upload ?
Idem pour le 1er single et les 2 autres LP
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