Patti Palladin: Leave Me Alone (Chatterbox) / Michael Monroe: Disappointed In You / Arthur Kane: In Cold Blood (Not In Vain) / Wayne Kramer: Children Are People Too / David Johansen: Some Hearts / Sylvain Sylvain: Society Makes Me Sad / Alison Gordy: Just Another Girl / Filthy Lucre: Can't Kick / Willy DeVille: You can't put your arms around a memory / Die Toten Hosen: Diary Of A Lover / The Ramones: I Love You / Walter Lure And The Waldos: Let Go / Michael Monroe: So Alone (only in 1996 edition) / Los Lobos: Alone In A Crowd / The Screwballs (featuring Jayne County): Help The Homeless / Glen Matlock And The Philistines: Little Bit Of Whore* / Sigue Sigue Sputnik: Personality Crisis* / Marc Almond: Hurt* / Johnny Thunders: I Only Wrote This Song For You (hidden track).
* bonus tracks 2002 edition
"Nothing left but infinity.some great records. photos filed in neat sections. ny dolls. heartbreakers. gang war. oddbals. solo shots. press cuttings in platic bags. gotta keep the hungry mites out. hanging in the wardrobe is a vibrant blue cowboy shirt made for jt in bangkok. he liked to shop and to swop. had more chic than than chanel. i came into posession of the lone ranger shirt during a frenzied trade session when johnny got the hots for a chinese print blouse of mine and went trawling through a stuffed to breking point suitcase. turning a friend's living room into a pick and mix disaster area. we were late for a photo session. assaulted the damn bag into repacked submission and headed to the the studio. a peeling maida vale basement. we had to have something for the last page of the "in cold blog" biog. a pic of me and him. the photographer looked like leonard cohen. it seemed appropriate in late december. so much for hollywood. this was more like a squat. not a scent of mtv technology. just johnny and i blinded by the lights and a storm of loose face powder that he liberally applied. afterwards we went out for dinner. thunders gave great restaurant scenes: although usually polite. he was given to committing first degree menu crimes. ordering triple icecream to start with spicey prawn something for dessert. johnny thunders taught me a lot more than just how to misbehave in restaurants. he was so witty. with that funny crackly razzo voice of his. snapping the filters off full strengh cigarettes for a stronger smoke. buying me banana daquiris. make sure i had enough money to get home. he knew the world could be colder than the arctic circle. whenever we got together. it wasn't." N. Antonia (from the sleeve notes of "VA - I Only Wrote A Song For You")

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11 commentaires:
Various Artists: "I Only Wrote A Song For You - A Tribute To Johnny Thunders"
If you like the stuff you pick HERE, don't forget to leave comments SOMETIMES... maybe it will be FAIR just to say hi or thanks for instance !!!
Johnny Thunders is SURE one of the ever-rocker !
Thanks for sharing
Je sens que cela va sonner vachement RnR ce truc, il va rester un bout de temps dans mon lecteur MP3 !
De nos jours cela fait plaisir.
Surement le meilleur blog Français !
Merci pour cette superbe compile !
Et l'été sans toi, ca va être dur !!
Have a good time and thanx for every moment of history !!
Greetings from LE Havre
Non vous allez pas vous débarrasser de nous comme ça les gars ! On continue les posts pendant les vacances même si on allège un peu...
T'inquiète on te fait confiance, on s'inquiète pas, reste comme tu es, le meilleur !
I kinda prefer the "This One's For J.O.H.N.N.Y." compilation, if only for Ronnie Spector's "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory." Willy DeVille handles that song here, and while I usually like the way he interprets songs, this one didn't work for me.
Besides the Ronnie Spector version of "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory," my other favorite covers of that tune are Duff McKagan's (from Guns'n'Roses "Spaghetti Incident") and King Khan & BBQ (from "Live at Izola" bootleg).
But thank you for the 320 rip, with the extra tracks and the full booklet scan. That cover with a pic of Johnny's guitar is much better than that red skeleton-y crap!
Surement le meilleur blog Français !
et voila
un des meilleur blogs
se transforme en
meilleur blog français
pourquoi pas le meilleur blog bleu et Mr MR reçu par nicolas aussi
bonne vacances à tous et aux autres aussi
@ anonyme:
I agree with you all down the line!
The Willy Deville cover ( & I like the guy!) doesnt work with me also !
I think there is no completely satisfactory compilation of Johnny T.
@ HENris (66?):
Il serait préférable pour lui (et sans doute pour moi aussi) que je ne me trouve JAMAIS en présence PHYSIQUE de de l' haïssable individu dont tu parles !!! Par contre t'as raison c'est bien le meilleur blog de rock du net (hé hé hé)!
Bon dimanche à tous!
Excelente tributo al gran Johnny, muchas gracias!!
Cant believe I just found this one - THANKS!
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