THE COSMIC DROPOUTS Sonic Circus cd 1993 Kicksville records 320 kbps
Too cool for you / Come back baby / New generation / I feel alright* / You 've got me / Can't get you outta my mind / It's alright / High on you / Consider me gone / Purdy Patsy / Try me / Dizzy / The beast in me / Rock 'n' roll all nite (bonus track).
Produced by The Cosmic Dropouts.
The Cosmic Dropouts : Morten Karlsen : vocals , maraccas & tambourine / Morten Henriksen : guitars , backing vocals & lead vocals on */ Pal Andreassen : organ & backing vocals /Stig Joraholmen : bass / Rune Johnsen : drums.
"...Back in 1990 when I was writing Noise For Heroes as a print fanzine, I used to get piles of promo records to review ... One day I was going through the pile and out comes a record by a band called the Cosmic Dropouts. They were from Norway. Imagine my surprise when the needle dropped into the groove and this blast of garage punk roared out. I figured it had to be a mistake…this must be the Nomads recording under alias or something. Except the Dropouts played with a turbocharged style that’s faster and more energetic. Fabulous! And so their "Groovy Things" lp entered hot rotation in my house, and when it subsequently was released on CD, I snapped that up, too... In 1996 I went to Norway and found that there were two more Cosmic Dropouts lps that had only been released there: "Hoolabaloo" and "Sonic Circus". I snapped them up, and say, hey! they’re every bit as good as "Groovy Things". Maybe even better, especially "Sonic Circus", which totally smokes... "
"...The final Cosmic Dropouts lp 1993’s "Sonic Circus," is the best sounding of their three releases. It looks like an album that should have gotten the band a much wider audience. Kicksville, the label on which it appeared, had a distribution deal with Sony, and the CD had a great packaging job on the outside, with great songs and sound on the inside. The thing is loaded with raving energy, featuring all the tricks in the book…great stop-start songs, well placed "wow!" screams, a rich, fat mix, and everything you could want. But it vanished without a trace. Morten Henriksen (Yum Yums ) says :" "Sonic Circus", which I consider our best album, sold the amazing amount of 475 copies one year after its release. It was only released in Norway. The band split up not long after the release so there was never made any effort to market it outside of Norway. A damn shame!" Eventually Sony sold most of the original run of 2,000 copies, but it took a few years..." S. Gardner - Noise For Heroes - 1998
Thanks to Gildas for music & scans !
4 commentaires:
THE COSMIC DROPOUTS "Sonic Circus" 32o kbps + covers
I'm always searching the cd version of "Hoolabaloo" ! If someone have it, it will be welcome !
Enjoy it & leave comments !
Muy buenos, muchas gracias por poner tan buenos discos.Un saludo
Muy buen disco,gracias por poner musica tan buena.Un saludo
Thanks for this, great album!
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