Crime Scene / My Little Backyard / Starin Up / Make It Last+ / Feel Like Dirt / Score Some Rock / Gang War* / St. Marks Place / Just Like That / Waitin / Count Your Blessings / Fall In Love / Nine Lives° / A Way Ou° / Breakdown° / World Keeps A Spinnin° / Three Inches Tall° / Repent° (°Alan K Demos)
Produced by Kevin K
Kevin K Band : Kevin K : guitars & vocals / R. Molesso : bass , vocals / M. M. Gallo : drums.
+ Mr Ratboy : guitar on * / P. Klein : guitar on +.
I thought this was a re-issue until the song about Tim McViegh. Sounds like an '80s band with a '70s feel. Adds up to some good power pop with lots of intricate guitar work. Bonus tracks feature Alan K demo with drum machine, keyboards and something Springsteenesque.
TB - Maximum Rock'n'roll
I liked this way more than some previous releases. Kevin is letting go of some of his Johnny Thunders-wannabe stylizations and is finding more of his own style on this release. All good subject matter is covered: being treated like dirt, drugs, G.G. Allin, DWI. The CD was dedicated to the memory of Alan K whose demo is on tracks 13 thru 18. It's a shame Alan isn't around anymore as his tracks "Breakdown" and Nine Lives" explore the shitty side of life honestly.
T. B. - Jersey Beat
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Kevin K Band: "Rule of the heart" 320 kbps + covers
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Love it. Thank you from Finland.
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