THE REDUCERS Let's go 1984 Rave On records 320 kbps
Let's go / Bums (I used to know) /Fashion of the times / Your mother / Hippy hippy shake / Closing time / Maximum depression / Take it away / (That'll be) Just fine / Big man / Rocks .
Produced by Ron Bacchiocchi.
The Reducers : Hugh Birdsall : guitar, vocals / Peter Detmold : guitar, vocals / Steve Kaika : bass vocals / Tom Trombley : drums , vocals .
A longtime fixture in New London, Connecticut, the Reducers (whose existence caused a California punk group to dub itself Reducers SF) soak up influences — Chuck Berry, Anglo-pop, pub rock, glam, punk and more — and reconfigure them into punchy, catchy tunes. On the politely energetic debut, the everyone-sings-everyone-writes quartet offers social critique and consumer culture in the worshipful "Black Plastic Shoes," the bitter "Life in the Neighborhood" and the politically paranoid "Scared of Cops." The title track of the better-produced "Let's Go!" is a great traveling number with a catchy, urgent chorus; the rest of the LP is enthusiastic and lyrically acute. Over a churning R&B vamp on "Bums I Used to Know," the band chides itself for "this honky imitation of the blues." Trouser Press
Artwork by Max !
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THE REDUCERS Let's go 320 kbps + artwork by Max !
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I am enjoying The Reducers albums!Thanks.
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