Glendora / Golden love / Forbidden love / Put a bullet thru the jukebox / Let's live for today / Girls want to be with the girls / Heart on / Here to stay / Porcelain butter kitten / Brand new Cadillac /Psycho Daisies / Manganese android puppies / What a boy can't do / Theme for Exodus / Gotta tell me why / The brain that refused to die / Love in / Kids .
All tracks are from the singles & EP's the Slickee Boys did over the last 6 years (from 1982) .
The Slickee Boys : K. Kane : guitars / E. Olexa : bass / M. Noone : vocals / D. Palenski : drums & percussion / M. Keith : lead guitar + M. Hull : vocals on 2 tracks.
Power poppers/garage punks the Slickee Boys got their start in Washington, D.C., in 1976, recording several EPs (collected on the 1982 German compilation Here to Stay) and an album, 1977’s Separated Vegetables, for the Dacoit and Limp labels. Led by guitarists Kim Kane (also the band’s chief songwriter) and Marshall Keith, the Slickee Boys went through a number of personnel changes over their history; initial lead vocalist Martha Hull was replaced by Mark Noone shortly after their first EP, but would later work with Kane in Afrika Korps. The band signed with Twin/Tone for 1983’s Cybernetic Dreams of Pi, one of their best efforts, but 1985’s Uh Oh...No Breaks found them a bit shy of new material, re-recording parts of their back catalog. The group had a sort of last hurrah with Fashionably Late, recorded in 1988 for the French New Rose label, then put out a live album, Live at Last, in 1989 of oft-recorded Slickees material. Kane then left to form a new group, Date Bait. Allmusic
Cd covers by Max !
19 commentaires:
THE SLICKEE BOYS Here to stay 320 kbps + covers
Enjoy it & leave comments if you like it !
pas easy d etre blaggeur
not ??
damage for deleted post
merci Mr
When I saw this album posted I lost my breath.....
from a band that mixed almost anything from surf and garage to punk and psychedelic rock and yea Kim Kane is a f*ckin genius. One more thing buddy you are doing a great job here and it is not your problem that some people can't understand TRY IT than BUY IT concept. The general idea of blogs like this is to give an opportunity to people, to hear some cool rnr music that is sometimes hard to find, and not to steal money from musicians or bands. Hell ... blogs like this won't turn em into bums or hobos. If I hear something that I like I'd be the first one to buy the original disc or a vinyl record and if it is necessary pay it in gold because here where I live is impossible to find music that you share in regular record shops. Also I am a myspace friend with both Rick Blaze and Jeff Crane, and I am sure that they wouldn't have nothing against it and I think it is their opinion that matters. THANX !!!!!
Does anyone saw a child??? I think I lost my two years old son in here...
Perhaps someone thinks we're all children in the blog community and we only use it to steal albums and money from the artists and he has to teach us what is all about. Or even thinks we are just a bunch of fouls and impeciles who don't have the basic ability to distinct between TRY-BUY meanings. Well, I think someone is wrong... very wrong, and if there's any wise left in his head, then he would have stopped at "and yea Kim Kane is a f*ckin genius".
Merveille blog Midnight Rambler.
Keep on!!!
P.S: Just for the record... I own this album "vinyl coloured white".
Chanceux ...le mien n'est que noir , effectivement Line en avait sorti en vinyl blanc !
I agree with you Vox !
Anonymoussalex : Ah oui, le mien aussi est tout blanc ! Les Slickee Boys, c'est toute une partie de mon Panthéon rock perso qu'on expose, là... formidable !!!
(Euh c'est quoi le débat ? je ne vois ici quasi que du matériel introuvable sur les catalogues des maisons de disque, non ?!?)
Effectivement ... faudrait encore pouvoir se procurer les disques sans remuer ciel et terre !!!
Anonymoussalex : (Et charge à nous d'éviter toute chute intempestive de cartons remplis de galettes noires, Mr MR)
Perso, je veux bien mettre à dispo des Sons Of The Dolls l'intégralité de ma (maigre, hélas) collec'... Mais quelques mauvaises langues diront sans doute que les disques seront mieux là que croupissants dans une cave - et ils auront raison.
DONC... si tout le monde faisait de même, y aurait p'tete moins de cieux et de terres à remuer pour les ceusses qui bossent à un monde meilleur ?
le ciel encore ca irait
mais la terre , sur c'est pas bon pour disques
Mr M.R.
carton or not carton ???
vrai question sur SOTD !!!
Great post!!! Great album!!!
I also have it in white vinyl.
I linked your post into my blog, i hope that's OK! "global-entropy"
Looking forward to the next great post.
Anonymoussalex : à la ré-écoute de cet album, je reste persuadé que les reprises de Live For Today ET Brand New Cadillac restent parmi les meilleures, sinon les meilleures versions. Passé la surprise du traitement vintage avec chorus naïfs et tout l'toutim, l'originalité et la sensibilité font mouche, non ?!?
(Quant à Gotta Tell Me Why... Pfff... 3 millionième écoute ce matin sans faiblir : une idée du Graal)
That band covered "Death Lane " from The Dogs ...
Allons zenfants ...
Anonymoussalex : Death Lane, oui... morceau qui bandait un peu mou chez les Dogs et qui a pris toute sa vigueur avec les Slickee qui roulaient plus vite et plus fort, vrai !
brilliant band, one of the best
thanks a lot
just wonderin´if u had the 'uh ah no brakes' album. it´s unfindable...
I didnt mean to offend anybody. I was only expressing my opinion and giving my support to midnight rambler and his blog ... I appologise to anyone who was offended by my comment. It will never happen again.
These guts still play once a year in DC at the 9:30 Club!
Keep on rocking, Midnight Rambler!
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