Lovedoll / I'll Put You Down / Do The Dropout / Leavin' Here / Goin' Down / Go-Go Man / Cruisin' / Don't Mess With Me / Surf's Up / Double Trouble / Into The Blue / Stampin' On My Feet / Never Got To Know (bonus track).
Produced by The Cosmic Dropouts.
The Cosmic Dropouts: S. Jøraholmen: bass / G.Sundstøl: bouzouki / R. Johnsen: drums / M. Henriksen: guitar / K. Fledsberg: harmonica / M. Karlsen: lead vocals / P. Andreassen: organ.
"...Back in 1990 when I was writing Noise For Heroes as a print fanzine, I used to get piles of promo records to review ... One day I was going through the pile and out comes a record by a band called the Cosmic Dropouts. They were from Norway. Imagine my surprise when the needle dropped into the groove and this blast of garage punk roared out. I figured it had to be a mistake…this must be the Nomads recording under alias or something. Except the Dropouts played with a turbocharged style that’s faster and more energetic. Fabulous! And so their "Groovy Things" lp entered hot rotation in my house, and when it subsequently was released on CD, I snapped that up, too... In 1996 I went to Norway and found that there were two more Cosmic Dropouts lps that had only been released there: "Hoolabaloo" and "Sonic Circus"
Here's "Hoolabaloo"...
S. Gardner - Noise For Heroes - 1998
Thanks To Mr Mushroom !
Buy It HERE !
10 commentaires:
THE COSMIC DROPOUTS "Hoolabaloo!" cd 1991
Enjoy it & leave comments please !
bravo Mr MUSHROOM & Mr MR
Cheers for this!According to Morten himself, he will be recording a new COSMIC DROPOUTS cd in the next coming months!
Awesome! Thank you very much!
Hi Rockandre,
Thanks for the comments...
your support is very appreciated !
impressionnant, imposant, terrifiant,super, génial
Because you asked;
""The Sinners "From Your Heart Down" flac version of the cd format""
Just tell what to do. I have got it with bonustracks. -Blindspot
Hi Blindspot,
Thanks for the answer: I'm happy to know that the Sinners' album was also issued in cd format!
Is it possible for you to rip your cd with EAC (in a lossless format: wav, flac...), then to upload it and to send me the link here.
If you want more détails how to do it , we can get in touch.
Again thanks for all !
Hi Blindspot
Thanks for the Sinners cd!
Everything's fine! Is it possible to have look at the cd cover (booklet & tray)?
Doesn't matter if it's not possible...
Thanks Again !
Привет Blindspot
Поделитесь пожалуйста Альбом в формате FLAC.
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