
BAD LUCK CHARMS - Bad Luck Charms

BAD LUCK CHARMS Bad Luck Charms cd 2008
Twilight In The Asylum / Break My Heart / One Track Mind / Untouchable / I Didn't Mean To Kill You / Poison / No Vacancy / Happily Ever After / Superstition / Tokyo / Tokyo (reprise).
Produced by K. Martinez & D. Rundall.
Bad Luck Charms: K. Martinez: howling, guitar / B. Knott: guitar, vox / M. A. Million: bass guitar, vox / B. V. Mier: drums, vox.
Sell your soul... Sleazy, Dirty Rock'n'Roll straight outta the smelly clubs of NYC, fronted by Kerry Martinez (U.S. Bombs/Shattered Faith) and fueled by the syringe sound of the Heartbreakers, tongue in cheek of the Stones and all the snot of the Dead Boys! Go for it if you don‘t wanna end up having to wait another 35 years!!! ...to Rock‘n‘Roll! Now for their second Euro Tour we‘re happy to announce that we released an exclusive and fully remastered version of their killer full length for the first time ever on vinyl!! Plus it comes with a revised artwork in a strictly limited gimmick silkscreen-sleeve (buy it HERE)! Source
Buy the cd HERE!

2 commentaires:

  1. pas l air mal ce nouveau post
    de Mr MR

    un grd MERCI
    1 de +

  2. Bad Luck Charms: "Bad Luck Charms" cd,2008

    This band was hot shit for a while. Played lots of gigs. Had a lotta great shows. Live they covered Eddy Cochran to the
    Dictators. Tons of energy. The singer has got some pipes, and he's just a little guy.he went to jail, and the band was done. All members are in other bands. Good time music. Grease up yer' hair, and get out yer' dancin' shoes, cuz' it's Saturday night....time to rock!.
