
THE BRAGS - The Brags

THE BRAGS The Brags cd 1996
Vinyl / Trust / Happily Vacant / Jilted / Pretty Girls (Don't Notice Me) / Leaving / Less Than 1% / If I Was A Girl / Stereotype / War Between Us.
Produced by S. Rosental & The Brags
The Brags: C. Carroll: vocals, guitar / J. Marano: guitar, backing vocals / F. Carroll: bass, backing vocals / T. Davis: drums.
"A great Pop / Punk record. Raw production, lots of energy with a classic sense of melody. I especially loved "Trust". It's about a ten chord song that the band cleverly tricks you into thinking it's a three chord banger. Some of the tracks remind me of early Who, tongue in cheek, rough around the edges with snotty lyrical twists. It's much closer to the original sixties British pop, than the recent deluded nineties rehash." Marky Ramone
"Best Power Pop band I've heard in years. The Brags remind me of a time when bands could really write memorable songs, with a live show that really kicks out the jams." Denis Dinken (Smithereens)
"All right!!! Uh, huh, baaabby! The Brags play glamy, St. Marks, Hanoi Rocks rock 'n' roll in the finest Continental fashion. The best thing here is the first song "Vinyl", which has a great buildup into a crazy catchy "Let the DJ play my song...toooniight" chorus. This is not the most cerebral stuff around, but The Brags play extroverted and well crafted music. It's kinda' good to be reminded that rock bands used to be fun." J. White (Pit Report - Boston, MA)
Source: The Brags Myspace
Thanks to Franck !

3 commentaires:

  1. THE BRAGS: "The Brags" cd 1996

    "Hey, if you like good power pop à la Hanoi Rocks, with the attitude that the original mid-'60s Rolling Stones used to have, then The Brags will make your speakers smile..."

  2. Wow! The Brags rock your socks off!Very good stuff! Thanks, MR!

  3. Thanks a lot..this is excellent power punkpop rock n roll.
    Cheers Danny.
