
KEVIN K BAND - Nightlife

KEVIN K BAND Nightlife cd 1995
Hidden Lake / Lost Girl / Nightlife* / First Time Last Time / In The Woods / See You Soon* / Don't Know Why / Dance / Ghost Town / On Your Own.
Produced by Kevin K.
Kevin K Band: Kevin K: guitar, vocals / R. Molesso: bass, vocals / M. Max Gallo: drums + B. Halversoon: mystery guitar on *.
After the Toys, The Lone Cowboys & the Road Vultures Kevin decided on a solo career. Outing from 1995 "Nightlife" is the Kevin K’s first solo album. It's a collection of mid tempo rock'n'roll songs under Stones & Thunders influences.
"This is down 'n' dirty Bowery-style rock 'n' roll crunch with a colorfully descriptive lyrical content about drugs, heartbreak, boredom, decadence, and barely surviving the sleazy seduction of the dog-eat-dog mean streets of NYC. Kevin K and his deviant duo of musical sidekicks sound as if they just crawled out of a garbage dumpster in a rat-infested back-alley on the Lower East Side after a long night of substance abuse, drunken debauchery, and high-voltage sonic sinfulness at Max's Kansas City. Damn shootin', it's the swaggerin' gritty sound of hookers, heroin addiction, cheap tattoos, and booze-fuelled inner-city vagrancy (snotty nasal-whine vocals, ball-bustin' Johnny Thunders-style guitar riffage, and a clattering out-of-control subway train rhythm section). Man, this psychotically wild butt-blisterin' disc makes me wanna relocate to the vile seedy underbelly of New York City and plunge a needle deep into my arm" Razorcake
Buy Kevin K stuff HERE!

10 commentaires:

  1. KEVIN K BAND "Nightlife" cd 1995

    It's hard to understand how you couldn't like this stuff if you're a Stones or Thunders fan - I-94 Zine

  2. Seems great stuff but i d/l it and both files MP3 & FLAC didn t extract.
    Can you fix it please ?

  3. F... LAZY
    it's time for work now
    go on !!!

    unknown 77

  4. For anyone who might care, I'll be taking a break from recording the new Sour Jazz album in a few weeks to play a couple of NYC gigs with Kevin K... 15 Sept at Trash Bar in Williamsburg, and 16 Sept at Parkside Lounger in the Lower East Side. Hope to see some of you there...

  5. Thanks for the Links correction Midnjght Rambler !!!!
    A Great Band,wish you post some more of them.

  6. Very good stuff, as usual on SOTD! Thanks a lot! Kevin K rocks!

  7. oldfuzzface says "looking forward to hearing this album..thank you for sharing..in flac!!"
