

ULTRACUERPOS The Right Way cd 2003
Stupid Kind / The Right Way / Can't Stop The Pain / I'm Going Out Of My Head / Sometimes Living Is Hard / Saturday Night / The Death Road / Sister Anne / Plan 9 From Outer Space / They Make A Rebel Of Me / Meadows Of Your Mind / My Baby Onn My Magazine / Stupid Kind (version single).
Produced by J. Martinez (Ultracuerpos).
K. The Jams: guitar, backing vocals / O. Caramés: drums, backing vocals / A. Dorda: vocals, maracas / R. Ramon: guitar, backing vocals / M. C. Mikelini Martinez: bass, backing vocals.
Imagine Elvis, Fred Sonic Smith, Keith Moon, Phil Lynnott and Carl Perkins jamming in hells' kitchen. Visualizing such a great ball of fire could give you an idea of the sound that Ultracuerpos have tried to achieve, and surprisingly enough they pull it off. Forget about 'high energy' labels that usually get imposed on new guitar bands. Of course Ultracuerpos give out high energy, but this comes out in the same way that the guitars of Link Wray, Ron Asheton or Duane Eddy, the throat of Otis Redding, Mitch Ryder or the records of Booket T & The MG´s did. It's raw and primitive energy that has nothing to do with a bunch of tattooed bands with four riffs and loads of mascara that we are being sold these days. Ultracuerpos are not here to save the world, but they are true to themselves and are able to create true rock and roll, upholding the attitude of Jerry Lee and Iggy with their live performances. Formed two years ago by ex members of Spain's finest rock and roll bands, Ultracuerpos are the future and the future is here now! Listen to their album "The Right Way" (El Beasto Rds./GP Rds.) and try not to miss them live. It doesn't even matter if you don't like rock and roll, Ultracuerpos are a pure energy explosion!!! Source
"Pour avoir croisé ce combo galicien (de La Corogne) alors qu’il se faisait appeler Virus, je me souviens d’un groupe compact aux guitares tueuses et à la prestance déjà bien affirmée. Depuis ils se sont rebaptisés Ultracuerpos et donnent libre-court à tous leurs penchants sur ce deuxième album, The Right Way. Au menu : Hi-energy rock’n’roll, Detroit soul à la Scott Morgan ("Can’t Stop The Pain"), grosse touche Rolling Stones, louchée de garage sixties et chaudron plein de MC5, un épique "I’m Going Out Of My Head", le pur rock’n’roll "Saturday Night" et l’inévitable reprise, "Sister Anne", exécutée de main de maître. Pas étonnant puisque le groupe s’est amusé à plusieurs occasions à se transformer en tribute band du Five. On pourra regretter les morceaux un peu longs et la production timide, mais ce disque reste une bonne alternative à l’invasion scandinave." Source: Dig It! 34
Buy it here !

10 commentaires:

  1. Ultracuerpos "The Right way"

    Viva Espana !

  2. I think it's a bad file-host you have chosen... I cannot download this album in FLAC because I am not a Premium member at Failsonic... I think that sucks! Won't you please upload to another file-host? Thank you!

  3. I have not seen that a Premium account is needed for files above 400 Go...
    I will re-up...
    Since the demise of Rapidshare we are searching a good file-host ! Not so easy !

  4. Sounds good with a re-up, I will wait gladly :-)

    Megaupload is the best file-host both for free users and for those with Premium accounts. Try them!

  5. Hi. Can't seem to download it for free. Keeps redirecting me to the premium account.

  6. tu vas finir par te faire engueuler

    apres ta retraite
    vont niquer ton blog agueuler comme ca

    if you dislike, try to buy it

    holidays in south

  7. Hey Anonyme. Vous pourriez être surpris d'apprendre que quelques Anglais peut effectivement parler une autre langue. Vivement le 62. Oh, et je l'ai acheter après je l'ai téléchargé.

  8. you're right ! !

    all my apologies
    "vivement le 62" for learn english but probably so short for me


  9. I also wanted to download the FLAC file, but couldn't because of the 400 mb limit... I will look for the re-up. In the meantime, I grabbed the mp3 version and have been listening to that... really good stuff! Thanks for sharing it.

  10. ULTRACUERPOS: The Right Way

    New link for FLAC:
