
CHRIS SPEDDING - Guitar Graffiti

CHRIS SPEDDING Guitar Graffiti cd 1978
Video Life / Radio Times / Time Warp / Midnight Boys / Bored, Bored / Walking / Breakout / Frontal Lobotomy (live) / Hey, Miss Betty (live)* / More Lobotomy [Parts 1 & 2] (live) / Breakout (live) / Hey, Miss Betty*.
Produced by C. Spedding except* produced by C. Thomas.
C. Spedding: guitars, vocals + Davy Lutton, Mick Oliver, Penelope Nesbitt, Ray Cooper, Steve Curry, Tony Newman.
" One of Britain's top session guitarists of the '70s (even participating in records by the furry Wombles!), Chris Spedding has had a truly aberrant solo career. A veteran of numerous outfits starting in the '60s, Spedding made several LPs under his own name before joining Andy Fraser's post-Free band, Sharks, who made two hard-rocking LPs in 1973 and '74. (Spedding also played on one of Sharks vocalist Snips' subsequent solo outings.) After that band split, Spedding released a succession of LPs that combine exquisite rock guitar with lackluster vocals and songs so vapid as to be virtually nonexistent. (On a 1970 Japanese release, he dispensed with vocals entirely.) The highlight of Chris Spedding is a novelty item called "Guitar Jamboree" which features Spedding aping various guitar heroes in a show of chameleonlike virtuosity.
We pick up the story later in 1976, however, when Spedding teamed up with the then-unrecorded Vibrators for a great single, "Pogo Dancing," the first punk dance record. Hurt, Spedding's next LP, is a more solid follow-up, thanks to Chris Thomas' crisp production. The material is generally better, and there's one outstanding number, the ominous "Lone Rider."
"Guitar Graffiti" finds Spedding meandering again, producing a crass attempt to cash in on his new wave credibility (legitimately established through his seminal alliances with the Sex Pistols and the Cramps, for whom he produced demos, and the Vibrators).
The worthwhile track is "Hey, Miss Betty," the only one produced by Thomas; the song is a rocking homage to '50s bondage queen Betty Page..." Source

23 commentaires:

  1. Happy new year,a nice way to begin,thanks!

  2. Spedding plays on the new King Mob album Force 9. He reunites with old SHarks mate Snips as well as Glen Matlock from the Sex Pistols and drummer Martin Chambers from the Pretenders. Its well worth a listen.

  3. Merci pour ce cadeau de début d'année (j'avais demandé il y a quelques mois ce lp, et le voilà : elle est pas belle, la vie ?).

  4. Celui-là on me l'avait emprunté mais il a fini par regagner son nid...

  5. combien de dl pour ce post
    combien de bonne annee ???

    les tmps sont durs


  6. Quand la coupe sera pleine et le moment APPROCHE on continuera sous forme de zine en gardant ou pas un blog privé!

  7. Re-up of London Cowboys Underdog session Phleeeeze!

  8. NO H.N.A.
    NO UP !!!!!


  9. Spedding, mon heros, ne pas oublier ses piges pour Brian Ferry et Dick.... , je l'ai vu il y a 7-8 ans dans une salle maintenant fermé pour cause de "Bruits" excessifs, le Sxaphone je crois, à Montpellier et ca arrachait vraiment bien: reprises et originaux rockab, rock'n'roll avec un groupe de français plutot bons:basse rythmique batterie.Un très bon concert devant 50 personnes médusées!
    Bonne année 2012 à tous

  10. I wish a Happy Rocking New Year to Midnight Rambler and all of the users who have left a comment! Thank you for this nice post. A nice way to begin 2012!


  12. Happy New Year and thanks for all the good job Mr Sons OF The Dolls!!!

  13. Une Heureuse Année 2012 pour ce blog d'exception ainsi qu'à ses participants et un TRES GRAND MERCI pour ce superbe "Guitar Graffiti".
    Pourrait-on espérer un prochain post avec le rarissime et excellent album live de Chris "Friday The 13th" de 1981 ?
    (il paru brièvement en CD il y a quelques années mais tous les pressages avaient un son défectueux, indigne du 33t d'origine!)

  14. J'étais pas sûr qu'on puisse espérer grand chose pour "Friday the 13th" car il me semblait l'avoir vendu mais vérification faite, non ! Donc oui...

  15. Waow!Bave, bave! Trepigne, trepigne!Arf, arf!

  16. "Quand la coupe sera pleine et le moment APPROCHE on continuera sous forme de zine en gardant ou pas un blog privé!"

    Certes, certes, mais il faudra nous prévenir avant, hein, si c'est privé.


  17. Mgaupload has been shut down.

  18. Do you have Chris Speddings Guitar Graffiti album? If found, please do not share it through MEGAUPLOAD, because it is dead. Thanks.

  19. re-upload Chris Spedding album Guitar Graffiti. Thanks.

  20. I know that Megaupload is down !
    I'm sorry but there will be no re-ups until we find a serious place to upload ! Be patient !

  21. Rapidshare is a good place. Try it.
    I bet you will. This is link: Rapidshare
