
THE RATBOYS: Debut Album Is Out Now !

Under the influences of the Ramones, New York Dolls,Boys,Nomads, Yums Yums or Buzzcocks, the debut album of the Ratboys is out now on the american label Brutarian Records!
These Rats know how to rock with F.U.N !!!
These Rats, like their guitarist Ratboy69, know the history of rock : they know how to write a sexy SONG with BALLS: a memorable song !!!
YES...It's only ROCK'N'ROLL and we already love them!
One of the best records of 2010 ...for sure!
You must buy it here !

5 commentaires:

  1. THE RATBOYS first album, "Cash Gas and trash", is out now on the american label Brutarian Records!!!

    A must!

    Buy it here:

    & leave comments !

  2. hi, sounds great!! but i can't see the link!!


  3. Link in the title ... to buy it !
    Une fois n'est pas coutume...

  4. ah merde
    une fois n est pas coutume

    Currently unavailable
    c'est quand ils ont vendu les 3 ex. du stock ????
    OK / j attend la reappro de 2016
    du coup j ai du temps pour reecouter mes vieux 7"

    ps y a une copy en jaune "ASM"????
