
THE CRYBABYS - "Rock On" Sessions

THE CRYBABYS "Rock On" Sessions cd 2000
All The Way To Hell And Back / Some Do (I Got You) / The One That Got Away / Hard Shoulder To Cry On / Sha La La la Good Good Times / Rocking Myself To Sleep / Each Time I Fall Apart / Swallow Me Up / Baby Mystery / Back Street Girl / Can't Shake Your Memory Down / Vaya Con Dios.
Produced by J. Cat.
The Crybabys: Honest J. Plain: guitar & vocals / D. Bath: guitar & vocals / D. Garcia: bass & vocals / L. Riggs: drums.
Darrell Bath formed The Crybabys with Honest John Plain (The Boys, The Lurkers, etc....) in 1990 and they recorded their first album in 1991. The band broke up when Darrell joined Dogs D'amour in november 1992, although Darrell was around for the recording of Honest John's solo album in 1993. Throughout the 90s, Darrell and Honest John recorded several albums credited to the Crybabys, but most of them were never released at the time. Source
"Rock On" Sessions" was recorded in 1995, following Darrell Bath and Honest John Plain's collaboration with Ian Hunter on the Dirty Laundry project. According to Darrell, "it features songs that nearly made it on to the Dirty Laundry album and some that never would have made the Dirty Laundry album!" "Rock On Sessions" wasn't released until 2000.
"...Far from any commercial concern or elitist pseudo-fad "Rock On" sessions is once and for all a rock'n'roll album with all the purity and sincerity associated to this term. No popularity-seeking messages or pompous statements but alternatively moving and humourous lyrics backed up by a powerful rhythm section and guitars galore. The Crybabys have no intention whatsoever to revolutionize the music industry, they're much more interested to writing great songs and concentrating on the beer crates awaiting them backstage. "Rock On" Sessions is nonetheless a flawless album with a perfect balance between ass-kicking numbers and sentimental ballads in the true tradition of rock'n'roll..." Source

5 commentaires:

  1. THE CRYBABYS "Rock On Sessions" 320 kbps + covers

    Enjoy it & leave comments !

  2. c'est pas le tout d uploader le roti
    va falloir envoyer
    c ramollo
    si tu veux des mois free / rapidshare va falloir sortir les doigts
    meme s il fait - 10° C

    MAX t'es le + fort
    j'espere avoir le privilege de t enendre gueuler / Mr MR a l occase

  3. I have this beauty and all their others - Bath and Plain are such a great combo! Just had to tip my hat to your (always) excellent taste.

  4. (same as Anonymous above)
    I just checked out the Where Have all the Good Girls Gone Crybabys album you had posted years ago.

    Awesome stuff.
    Keep up the good bloggin! "Sons of the Dolls" is a good theme for a music blog.
