

THE SINNERS Turn it up ! 1991 MNW Records 320 kbps

Save me / Gotta go / Hurricane shuffle / Making love / Love injection / Need you so bad / Turn it up ! / I wanna love you / Feeling fine /Waiting / Pull the string / Pocket love .
Produced by M. Ilbert

As soon as possible, the Sinners went back into the studio to record the follower "Turn It Up!" Also here with Michael Ilbert as the producer and with their friends from Sator on backing-vocals. The first single was "I Wanna Love You" with Sven and the great voice from Landskrona -Annette Lindwall. Annette, who was a big star in Japan, is also starring in the video which was elected best video of the year at the Angered Bild-festival. The video was produced by Dan Zethræus.

In 1992 The Sinners were awarded the Zeppelinprice as The Best Swedish Rockband, and they were also nominated for a grammy earlier that year.

Autre très bon album des Sinners , stonien à souhait : riffs saignants et choeurs mêlés ! "Turn it up !" a lui aussi fait un long séjour (un peu moins quand même que "From the heart down") sur ma platine !

2 commentaires:

  1. THE SINNERS Turn it up ! 320 kbps
    + covers

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    Enjoy it !

  2. Très bon groupe suédois donc excellent post !
    Merci Midnight Rambler pour ton non moins excellent blog....En le visitant, me reviennent en souvenirs tous les bons albums indés que proposait feu New Rose dont j'étais un ardent client... De cette époque il ne me reste plus bcp de CDs, si ce n'est que les premiers albums de Calvin Russell, Eddie Ray Porter (Letter to Mary, Tim Lee (The new thrill parade)et Phil Gammage (Night train)... Si ça t'intéresse, y'a qu'à demander !! Long live Rock'n'Roll !
