
THE DEADHEARTS/NEIL LEYTON - Rock'n'Roll Used To Mean Somethin'

THE DEADHEARTS/NEIL LEYTON Rock'n'Roll Used To Mean Somethin' cd 2004
No More Good Feelings* / Bright Night* / Heart & Soul* / Sweet Dream* / Teenage Roots* / Jumpin' Jack Flash* // Requiem° / This Is The Way° / Curtains° / Reality° / Blacklight° / Memo From Leyton°.
*Produced by D. Torrisi & Joe / °Produced by N. Leyton.
*The Deadhearts: Joe: vocals, guitars / Zeki: guitars, backing vocals / Deborah: backing vocals, percussion / Seba: bass / Bonnie: drums.
Neil Leyton: N. Leyton: vocals & accoustic guitar / G. Bettencourt: electric guitar / S. Payne: bass guitar / E. Herrmann: drums / D. Pomeroy: drums on "Blacklight".
Deadhearts are "Corazones Muertos" one of the best rock'n'roll band of Argentina but singing in English with very special guest "Eduardo Martinez" from Flaming Sideburns on two tracks (3,6).Supersplit with Neil Leyton from Canada on the other side !
Neil Leyton is a Portuguese-Canadian singer and guitarist born in Lisbon. He has lived and played music in Toronto, London, and Stockholm.
He was a founding member and songwriter in Canadian art-glam indie project The Conscience Pilate from 1995–1998, beginning a solo career in 1999. He is also the founder
of the Fading Ways record label, one of the first to use Creative Commons licenses. Leyton was a vocal proponent of the Creative Commons[1] giving several seminars and
speaking at conferences about its possible uses in the music industry, including Music Tank (London) and Popkomm (Berlin).
He has also played guitar for other musical projects live and in the studio, most notably British glam rockers Dogs D'Amour, Canadian rockers Crash Kelly
(fellow Canadian musician Sean Kelly's band) and Canadian power pop outfit Galore. He participated in a side-project with Ky Anto, titled Pretty Volume,
and recorded an E.P. with fellow Canadian guitarist Rich Jones and The Wildhearts' frontman Ginger in the UK. The Hellacopters's Nicke Andersson and
Backyard Babies's guitarist Dregen were guests on Leyton's The Betrayal of the Self album, released in 2006 via Feedback Boogie and Fading Ways Records.
In December 2008 he released an exclusive fans-only new album, Metacognitive Apperceptions. Leyton has also produced several independent recording sessions
for artists such as Mark Fernyhough and Maria Pettersson.
In 2009 he participated in a new side project with The Hellacopters's Nicke Andersson, called The Point, releasing a 7" vinyl single. He also co-wrote and sang
on Nicke Andersson's debut solo album Imperial State Electric, on the track Deja Vu, released in 2010. At the end of 2010 he released the Elite Nylon album. Source


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You Lost Your Respect / She Bit My Arms, She Blew My Brains / Tonight / Motor City Baby / Midnight Gun / Television Man / Christmas Time For The Wide Eyed Faces /Cry Me An Angel.
Engineered by The Spagetti Kid & produced by Simon D .
The Dead Vaynes: Stevie Vayne: vocals / Prince Michael Vayne: guitar / Sir Harry Vayne: bass / Uncle Haggis: drums.
The Vaynes were gobbed out onto the streets of rock'n'roll city (a.k.a. Leeds 6) sometime around the end of 1984, being baptized
The Dead Vaynes by self styled Messiah, vocalist,songwriter, hellraiser, leader-of-the-pack (rock'n'roll adjectives ad nauseam) Stevie
Vayne. The fledgling Vaynes line-up had more changes than a baby's nappy and by the timethe shit hit the fan and The Vaynes were
finally to be immortalised on vinyl, nobody could guarantee their presence.
The L.P. "G.T.F." was recorded in June 1985 with the only-just-recruited Mick Vayne on lead guitar. Drummer Haggis both bashed and
rolled the skins, with Sir Harry on bass... (you can read the following on the artwork file)
The Vaynes made exceedingly good rock'n'roll records"
""SHE BIT my arms, she blew my brains..."
Iggy meets Slaughter And The Dogs, and the Vaynes ram them into the crusher and feed off the dripping juices. Hailing from Leeds, which is possibly taking over from Liverpool
in the productivity stakes, Dead Vaynes churn out seedy wasted boogie, succeeding because of a certain belief in themselves and an essential "couldn't care attitude" (essential because
it is difficult to take them 100 % seriously).
I am told they are quite an experience live and and this I can well believe, as the Vaynes deal in the sort of cruel adrenalin-injection rock that can be so invigorating on stage
and yet a dead loss on vinyl, although this disc does have it's merits.
Motor City Babies, living for the instant, Dead Vaynes are probaly already legends in their own lunchtimes." N. Perry/Sounds (May 1986)
Tanks to Nuzz for this Sound review !
Buy It HERE !
Thanks to Franckie !


THE HEARTBREAKERS - Live At Max's Kansas City

THE HEARTBREAKERS Live At Max's Kansas City '79 cd 1979/1996
Intro / Milk Me / Chinese Rocks / Get Off The Phone / London / Take A Chance / One Track Mind / Let Go / I Love You / Can't Keep My Eyes On You /I Wanna Be Loved / Do You Love Me /All By Myself* / Pirate Love* / Too Much Junkie Business* / Don't Mess With Cupid* / So Alone*.
Produced by P. Crowley & The Heartbreakers.
The Heartbreakers: Johnny Thunders: guitar, vocals / Walter Lure: guitar, vocals / Billy Rath: bass / Ty Styx: drums / Jerry Nolan: drums*
After Johnny Thunders & the Heartbreakers split in the late '70s, the band would regroup for reunion gigs from time to time (up until Thunders' death in 1991). One of their first reunions took place at N.Y.C.'s infamous Max's Kansas City in 1979, which was recorded and released soon thereafter. Due to the album's success, plans were arranged to record a second gig at Max's; the only problem was that it was aborted -- the band blasted through a total of five tracks before leaving the stage to the fans' bewilderment, and not returning (drug use was rampant among the Heartbreakers). What the good folks at ROIR have done is re-release the long out of print original "Live at Max's" album, with the five tracks from the planned Vol. 2 set tacked on as bonus tracks. The band is captured in all of its drunk-and-stoned glory, with spirited versions of all the group's best-known tunes: "Chinese Rocks," "Can't Keep My Eyes on You," "One Track Mind," and "Milk Me" (aka "Chatterbox"). Also present are strong tracks never officially recorded by the Heartbreakers: "So Alone," "Too Much Junkie Business," and "London", Thunders' response to the Sex Pistols' "New York". Allmusic.com


THE BABYSITTERS - Live At The Marquee

THE BABYSITTERS Live At The Marquee 12'' EP 1986
Big Girls / Pickin' The Blues / Can You Hear It / Overkill / Frank Bough.
Recorded live on 18th-19th September 1986
The Babysitters: Buttz: vocals / Jimbo: guitar / Boo: drums / Stik: bass.
"The 'Sitters formed in and around 1983. I was running a clothes shop in Carnaby St. & playing in a band with Neil X- (later of Sigue Sigue Sputnik fame). It was awful, We called it the Baby Slitters. Neil thought he was Johnny Thunders, and I didn't know that Johnny Thunders was still alive. I didn't realise that Neil was auditioning for what would later become Sputnik. He sacked me because my girlfriend (at the time) was too fat. I thought that the whole avant 'Kensington' crowd were fucking horrible,.. they only drank small drinks. Us Carnaby St Nutters were real, but getting bored with the music scene. I had just come off the end of a tour with the Clash, and had decided that punk was now officially dead. I was hanging about with psycho billy band the Meteors, and went to see them at 'The Halloween monster bash' at the Lyceum Ballroom. Third on the bill were Hanoi Rocks. To me, it was a breath of fresh air,… but the crowd...everyone shouting abuse at them, (Short haired tattooed Psycho arseholes with more hair than brains). They were as dead as the punks who invented them. The very next day, Mike Monroe & Nasty came to my shop, and we began swapping clothes...Anyway, to cut a long story short,… it turned out that the late great Razzle used to go to school with two guys...Jimbo & Boo. I met them for the first time at a 'Blind rehearsal'. Jimbo turned up on a motorbike with two girls attached, (one in the coffin shaped sidecar), it was well tasty. Pig the drummer was kind of snatched from the first line-up of Marionette, and Boo was just kind of there, he was the only musician in the band to start with, but he soon came around. It was the best group I ever heard. I still have a tape of that first rehearsal. We booked a show at Gossips nightclub in Soho. We had 7 songs, one of which…('I'm goin' down').. had only one note, and was 7 minutes long. I have never been so drunk since. I have a tape of that first show. It is the worst music I have ever heard. It was so good..." Buttz taken from an interview that you can read on the blog : "Online Diary for all to see! "

"...The Babysitters' live at the Marquee' video is a wonderful historical document. It was filmed around the same time as Hanoi's ' Wasted years' video (1985). We were friends with the audience, knew them by name. I opened a night club (Buttz & Spike's) in Soho in '85 simply because there was nowhere for like-minded people to go after the pubs had shut. I suppose the band was also for our amusement. But all the tours were the same crowd running around the country, people hitching, and sleeping anywhere. Hotel,!!! What the fuck is an Hotel? Now, it's money is king, bands don't seem to move without a manager, agent and a catering corporation. All we needed seemed to be a bit of press and a telephone..." Buttz taken from the same interview
Thanks To Franckie !


PARABELLUM - 4 Garçons Dans Le Brouillard

PARABELLUM 4 Garçons Dans Le Brouillard 12'' EP 1987
R.I.P. (Rock In Pace) / Osmose 99 / Joyeux Noël / L'amour à 45 km/h.
Produced by: Christophe Sourice.
Parabellum: Patrick: drums / Roland: bass / Sven: guitar / Schultz: vocals, guitar / Géant Vert: lyrics.
"Comment ne pas adorer un groupe qui, malgré les arnaques, les galères et les désillusions, croit encore aux vertus du rock’n’roll, celui qui étend son spectre de Chuck Berry à Anti-Nowhere League et de Motörhead à Rancid ? Surtout, comment ne pas chérir un groupe qui, même après des centaines et des centaines de concerts aux quatre coins de l’hexagone (et du Québec), connaît encore le trac avant de monter sur scène, espérant être à la hauteur de son fidèle public ? Alors, oublions un instant qu’il est un précurseur du punk français, un survivant de la glorieuse époque des labels alternatifs (remember Gougnaf ?), un groupe culte et légendaire (si, si !)… Parabellum, c’est d’abord notre grand frère à tous. Et le groupe du frangin, on y est intimement attaché. Surtout s’il est un putain de groupe de rock’n’roll. De ceux qui savent oser et doser sans jamais dévier de leur cause et qui procure ces rares moments où quelques accords aidés de deux ou trois bons mots (une autre spécialité de Parabellum) vous dressent les poils des avants bras au garde-à-vous..." F. Frejnik (on Parabellum Myspace)
On doit à Parabellum d'avoir redonné vie à certaines chansons oubliées comme le traditionnel "Cayenne" et son texte anar à la Bruant dont ils reprendront "A St Lazare" , une reprise discutable du "Amsterdam" de Brel sur de nouvelles paroles, de nombreuses compositions punk flirtant avec le bon vieux rock comme : "Anarchie en chiraquie", l'anti-clérical "Welcome to Paradise", et le manifeste no future "Osmose 99"! Sur la compilation "Mon grand-frère est un rocker" du label Boucherie, ils dynamitent la chanson de la série télé pour enfants des années 60: "Saturnin"! Wikipédia

LienParabellum is a french alternative rock / punk rock, formed in 1984 . They stopped in 1991 & came back in 1998, with four albums released since and several tours. Parabellum is one of the leading names in alternative rock epic in France. Schultz, singer and guitarist has also played with Manu Chao and François Hadji-Lazaro in Los Carayos. Parabellum has recorded eight albums.You can buy the latest "Si Vis Pacem" HERE !
By request...
Cover by Vuillemin !!!